Restaurant recommendations
Below you find restaurant recommendations for different localities in Malta. For further information regarding opening hours, directions or to make a reservation, we recommend you contact the venue directly by phone.
If we can be of any assistance, don't hesitate to reach out.

Malta & Gozo
In order to help you navigate around the Maltese Islands, we collected useful information including Google maps links for you.
If you have any questions, we are happy to assist you!

Parking: MCP parking
beautiful view on the harbour; most days at 12 pm and at 4 pm, visitors can witness the firing of cannons
takes you down to boat terminal for either a harbour cruise or to use the water taxi to go to the Three Cities
National Museum of Archaeology
Mdina & Rabat
Parking in Victoria (Cittadella)
from there you can visit Cittadella and Victoria both by walk
Salt Pans with small sea salt shops
Dwejra Inland Sea (boat trip through coral caves)
Ta'Cenc Cliffs (beautiful sunset spot!)
Għajn Tuffieħa
Parking: Public parking
Panoramic walk:
You stay up on top of the hill and walk to the view point. From there you can decide if you want to further explore the small paths around the area. On the way back you can make your way down to the beach and enjoy a drink or snack at the restaurant Singita Miracle Beach.